So, on the morning of my stroke, initially I went completely numb on my right side; it started in my foot and I actually thought that my new boots were too tight. Within minutes it had moved up my whole leg, hip, torso and down my right arm. I remember holding my pride and joy designer handbag and not being able to lift it up to put it in the cupboard at work. After about 2/3 weeks at home being completely bedridden I managed to get around using Lee or strategically placed furniture for support, but I couldn't scrunch up my toes on the right foot. This became my obsession; I would lie in bed day after day just staring at my toes willing them to move, after 9 weeks, by which point I had all but given up, I was lying in bed one night and felt a spasm in my foot, I looked down and I was scrunching my toes up. 16 months on, I can still scrunch them up, the only noticeable difference from my none affected side is that actions seem to be somewhat in slow motion. The right side of my bod...
The frank and honest story of a young stroke survivor.