One thing I am extremely proud of my post stroke self for is the way I have been able to adapt and overcome obstacles rather than just say 'I can't'.
I will still go for a 'girly day' such as shopping with a friend; only now its one shop, maybe two, and a sit down, normally for a drink, then I can usually handle a third shop and then its home for a rest.
I have had to learn my body's new limitations and work around them. I'm not deluded enough to think I'll be signing up for the London Marathon (I wouldn't of been in a rush to do that before my stroke let's be honest) but I am confident that I will not have to miss out or turn down too many activities that I would previously have enjoyed.
I still keep on top of the housework, when I am motivated enough to, even if it does mean unloading the dishwasher using a perching stool instead of standing up and bending down. I can still prepare a meal, not brilliantly but that's not because of my stroke. 😂
There are days when I have to admit defeat and ask Lee for help, or I have to turn down a last minute invite somewhere because I haven't planned and conserved enough energy for it, but sadly those events are unavoidable.
I'm no longer embarrassed to have a Blue Badge in the car window; because I am disabled and I need all the help I can get to enable me to live as normal a life as possible.
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